FastAI x Flask - Mods vs. Rockers!

Fastai provides helper functions on top of Pytorch to help us wrangle, clean, and process data. In this HOWTO we will accomplish the following: Deploy an AWS g3.8xlarge instance Compile and install NVIDIA drivers on our g3.8xlarge instance Use a...


Easy ReCAPTCHA with Flask-WTF

In this HOWTO, I will demonstrate how to easily integrate the Google reCAPTCHA service into a Flask web application using Flask-WTF. The following cartoon depicts the end result. A Flask application server provides a simple (beautified) survey to...


Install the Monacoin Wallet on Ubuntu

From the land of Nintendo and Samurai comes Monacoin, a Japanese cryptographic currency based on Litecoin. If you look at you will see that Monacoin increased about 30x in the past three months. I found it a bit challenging...


Big Data Idol: The Math

Caution! Math Ahead! For the Math-phobic, I explain how I crunch the test results in a math-free, simple and focused blog post here. I use math here, so this may be your last chance to escape! Still with me? Excellent! The bullets below outline...


Big Data Idol: How I Crunched the Numbers

Do you have big data chops? Quick, what do these three things have in common? Yankees, Giants, Rangers, Knicks What about these? Beatles, Monkees, Beach Boys Do you have an answer for each? "New York," for example, for the first list and "Rock...


Let us now praise ugly code!

In this blog post I will revisit the first piece of code I wrote with the R Programming language, back in the early part of this decade. Coming from an Octave/MATLAB background, I really enjoyed the functional nature of R. I imagined flinging...


Connect AWS Lambda to Elasticsearch

Amazon Web Services' (AWS) Lambda provides a serverless architecture framework for your web applications. You deploy your application to Lambda, attach an API Gateway and then call your new service from anywhere on the web. Amazon takes care of...


Pass Bootstrap HTML attributes to Flask-WTForms

Flask-WTForms helps us create and use web forms with simple Python models. WTForms takes care of the tedious, boring and necessary security required when we want to use data submitted to our web app via a user on the Internet. WTForms makes data...
