Data Exploration with Data Viz Cheat Sheet

Today I collect and organize useful data visualization (Data Viz) tools that aid data exploration.

I illustrate the use of the tools via the classic Abalone database, hosted on the University of California, Irvine (UCI) Machine Learning repository website.

I recommend you bookmark this and return to it when you need to find the syntax and semantics of popular data viz constructs.

Get the Data

PhD student David Aha created the University of California, Irvine (UCI) Machine Learning repository in 1987 in the form of a File Transfer Protocol (FTP) site. The Repo collects databases, domain theories, and data generators. Today I use the Abalone database.

The Abalone database provides a table of four thousand observations, which each contain one categorical feature, seven continuous features, and one target:

  • Features, Categorical
    • Sex: Male, Female, and Infant
  • Features, Continuous
    • Length: Longest shell measurement (mm)
    • Diameter: Perpendicular to length (mm)
    • Height: With meat in the shell (mm)
    • Whole_weight: Whole abalone (grams)
    • Shucked_weight: Weight of meat (grams)
    • Viscera_weight: Gut weight after bleeding (grams)
    • Shell_weight: After being dried (grams)
  • Target, Integer
    • Rings: +1.5 gives the age in years

I use the Python requests library to pull the data straight from the UCI repo and stuff it into a Pandas DataFrame.

I import the required libraries.

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import io
import requests
import seaborn as sns

I set the url (String) and column_name (List) variables to match the Abalone database schema.

url = ''
column_names = ['Sex',

Requests downloads the HTTP object, StringIO decodes it and Pandas loads the decoded data into a DataFrame.

r = requests.get(url).content
abalone_df = pd.read_csv(io.StringIO(r.decode('utf-8')),
                      names = column_names)

One-Dimensional Statistical Summaries

We first explore the data in one dimension.


Histograms provide a visual shorthand for the distribution of numerical data. Think of a connect four board, where you stack chips in different columns (or buckets). Each chip represents a number in that bucket.

Pandas provides a built-in hist() method.


We use Pandas to draw a Histogram of our target variable, Rings.

Rings Hist

Most Abalone include between 7.5 and 12.5 Rings.

Pandas also accommodates our Categorical feature.


Sex Hist

The corpus of data includes roughly equal observations for Male, Female and Infant.

Pandas allows us to run histograms on all features. The method ignores the Categorical feature.


All Hist

The results illustrate the need to Normalize the data, since all the Categorical features clock in under a value of one (1), and the target feature includes ranges up to thirty (30).

Hist with tags

InfluxDB uses the nomenclature Tags and Measurements to describe Categorical and Continuous variables.

Tags provide a new dimension of visual data, slicing and dicing the data into different categories.

Seaborn provides the option to color by Tag with their hue parameter.

sns.histplot(data=abalone_df, x='Rings',hue='Sex')

Sex Hue

Hue does not make sense with Measurements:

sns.histplot(data=abalone_df, x='Rings',hue='Rings')

Stupid Hist

Kernel Density Estimation (KDE)

Kernel Density Estimation (KDE) smooths the Histograms. Instead of discrete buckets, we see continuous lines that represent the distribution.

I used the analogy above of a Histogram stacking chips on a connect four board. KDE pours sand at each point, enough to fill a Standard Normal Distribution. KDE in a sense stacks Standard Normal Distributions at each point, which leads to the smoothness of the plot.

If you reduce the bucket size to a very small number, you can see the idea in action.


Default Bins


Twentyfive Bins


Fifty Bins


Infinite Bins

SNS will plot the KDE over the histogram if you instruct it to do so:

sns.histplot(data=abalone_df, x="Whole_weight", kde=True)

Kde Hist

Pandas plots all features' distribution with KDE.


All Kde


A glance at a Boxplot tells you the median, 25th percentile, 75th percentile, and outliers.

The box shows the First and Third quartiles and the whiskers show data points that lie 1.5 times the Interquartile range (IQR) (for both top and bottom).

sns.boxplot(data=abalone_df, x='Whole_weight')

Weight Box

SNS allows you to separate the chart by Tag. If you set y equal to Sex, for example, you see the distributions split by Male, Female, and Infant.

sns.boxplot(data=abalone_df, x='Whole_weight',y='Sex')

Sex Box

In the Boxplot above, we see that Female Abalone weigh slightly more than Male Abalone.

Special Note: Enrich Data.

Remember that we have a target variable named Rings, which encompasses a range of numbers between one (1) and thirty (30). I recommend you enrich the Rings data with a new Tag.

The following code uses the Rings value to set a new Tag, which I named Age. The code splits the data into three ranges and applies to a given observation the tag Young, Middle_Age or Old based on the value of Rings.

abalone_df['Age'] = pd.qcut(abalone_df['Rings'],q=3,labels=['Young','Middle_Age','Old'])

This new tag provides a new dimension to slice and dice our Boxplot.

sns.boxplot(data=abalone_df, x='Whole_weight',y='Sex',hue='Age')

Age Box

We now see the relationship between Whole_weight, Sex and Age at a glance.


A Violinplot mirrors the Distribution, which gives the plot a Violin-like shape.


Rings Violin

Violinplots also accommodate Tags.


Violin Tags

Two-dimensional Plots

Python provides tools to explore Bivariate data sets.

Seaborn (SNS) provides two-dimensional Histograms and two-dimensional KDE tools.

Two-dimensional Histogram

Note that SNS only shows the top-down view for histograms.

sns.displot(abalone_df, x="Length", y="Height")

Two Hist

The SNS Bivariate Histograms accommodate tags.

sns.displot(abalone_df, x="Length", y="Height", hue="Age")

Two Tag

Two-dimensional KDE

SNS also provides two-dimensional KDE plots, with Tags.

sns.displot(abalone_df, x="Length", y="Height", hue="Age", kind="kde")

Two Kde

Look for Correlation

The Data Scientist looks for correlation between features and the target during the Data Exploration phase of the Machine Learning Pipeline

Data prep

In the Data Prep stage, we encode the Tags (String) into numeric values (float32).

The Pandas method get_dummies one-hot-encodes the Sex variable into Orthogonal dimensions. This increases the dimensionality of our data set.

We also use the factorize method to convert Young, Middle_Aged and Old into the integers 0,1 and 2.

abalone_reg_df = abalone_df.join(pd.get_dummies(abalone_df['Sex']))
abalone_reg_df['Age_Bucket'] = pd.factorize(abalone_df['Age'],sort=True)[0]
abalone_reg_df = abalone_reg_df.drop(['Sex','Age'],axis=1).astype(np.float32)

We pop off the labels for later use.

class_labels stores the target vector for Classification models, and reg_labels stores the target vector for Regression models.

class_labels = abalone_reg_df.pop('Age_Bucket')
reg_labels = abalone_reg_df.pop('Rings')

I also create vectors to pull like Features from the DataFrame (Measurements, Tags, Target).

metric_vars = ['Length',

encoded_vars = ['F',

y_vars = ['Rings']

Heatmap correlation

SNS provides a Heatmap matrix for correlation.

import matplotlib as plt

corr = abalone_reg_df.corr()

# Generate a mask for the upper triangle
mask = np.triu(np.ones_like(corr,

# Set up the matplotlib figure
f, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(11, 9))

# Generate a custom diverging colormap
cmap = sns.diverging_palette(230, 

# Draw the heatmap with the mask and 
# correct aspect ratio
            cbar_kws={"shrink": .5})

Corr Matrix

We see that Diameter and Length have significant correlation and so do all of the weight features.

Pairgrid Correlation

This SNS Pairgrid plot shows the correlation between the features and the target, Rings.

g = sns.PairGrid(abalone_df,
                 x_vars = metric_vars,
                 y_vars = y_vars)

Pair Grid

All features depict a correlation slope close to around 25 degrees or so, which indicates Correlation.

Scatterplot with Regression

SNS plots the ML 101 favorite, Linear Regression right on the screen with the regplot action.

sns.regplot(x = abalone_df['Viscera_weight'],
                y = abalone_df['Rings'])

Reg Plot

We see positive slope with pretty tight error bands, which indicates Viscera_weight predicts Rings.

Fancy Tilted 3d Plots

Remember that SNS only graphs top-down views. I wrote the following matplotlib function to show an isometric view of the data.

def plot_3d(df, target, feature1, 
            feature2, feature3):
    target_list = list(set(df[target]))
    fig = plt.figure(figsize = (12, 12))
    ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111, 

    x3 = df.loc[df[target] == target_list[0]][feature1]
    y3 = df.loc[df[target] == target_list[0]][feature2]
    z3 = df.loc[df[target] == target_list[0]][feature3]
                label = target_list[0],
                color = "red")

    x3 = df.loc[df[target] == target_list[1]][feature1]
    y3 = df.loc[df[target] == target_list[1]][feature2]
    z3 = df.loc[df[target] == target_list[1]][feature3]
                label = target_list[1],
                color = "green")

    x3 = df.loc[df[target] == target_list[2]][feature1]
    y3 = df.loc[df[target] == target_list[2]][feature2]
    z3 = df.loc[df[target] == target_list[2]][feature3]
                label = target_list[2],
                color = "blue")


I call the function with the Abalone data.


Three Dee

Dimensionality Reduction

Note my Graph above requires me to choose three (out of the possible eight) features at a time. This fact drives two questions:

  • Which features do I use?
  • How can I plot all the features at once?

Principal Component Analysis (PCA) collapses the information held in eight features into three, two or even one feature.

I write about PCA in my blog post on Regression with Keras and TensorFlow

If you stick a magnet at each point in the data space, and then stick a telescoping iron bar at the origin, the magnets will pull the bar into position and stretch the bar. The bar will wiggle a bit at first and then eventually settle into a static position. The final direction and length of the bar represent a principal component. We can map the higher dimensionality space to the principal component by connecting a string directly from each magnet to the bar. Where the string hits (taut) we make a mark. The marks represent the mapped vector space.

George Dallas also writes an excellent blog post that explains PCA.


First Normalize the Data. TensorFlow provides a normalizer.

from tensorflow.keras.layers.experimental import preprocessing

normalizer = preprocessing.Normalization()

Fit the normalizer to our measurements (exclude the encoded tags).


One Principal Component

SciKitLearn provides PCA.

from sklearn.decomposition import PCA

The following code collapses all seven features into one Principal Component.

pca = PCA(n_components=1)[metric_vars]))
pca_abalone_df = pd.DataFrame(pca.transform(normalizer(abalone_reg_df[metric_vars])),
                                     columns = ['princomp1'],

SNS shows the utility of this Principal Component on the separability of the Classes.

sns.histplot( x = pca_abalone_df['princomp1'],
              hue = class_labels)

One Princomp

Two Principal Components

Now derive two principal components.

pca = PCA(n_components=2)[metric_vars]))
pca_train_features_df = pd.DataFrame(pca.transform(normalizer(abalone_reg_df[metric_vars])),
                                     columns = ['princomp1',

A KDE plot shows the three classes in relation to the two Principal Components.

sns.kdeplot( data = pca_train_features_df,
             x = pca_train_features_df['princomp1'],
             y = pca_train_features_df['princomp2'],
             hue = class_labels,
             fill = False)

Two Princomp

3 Principal Components

Astute readers anticipate the slight code modifications required to derive three Principal Components.

pca = PCA(n_components=3)[metric_vars]))
pca_train_features_df = pd.DataFrame(pca.transform(normalizer(abalone_reg_df[metric_vars])),
                                     columns = ['princomp1',

We use the 3d plot to see the separation of classes in relation to three Principal Components.

data_df = pca_train_features_df.assign(outcome=class_labels)

Three Princomp

If you include one-hot encoded variables in your PCA, you may see weird results.

For example, we encoded the Categorical Sex feature into three Orthogonal numeric vectors, one for M, F and I. If you keep these vectors in the PCA you will see the following:

Sex Princomp


Bookmark this page for future reference. It provides a handy Cheat Sheet for useful Python Data Exploration and Data Viz tools.

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